DavinChi Cross

“Be A Mirror, Absorb Everything Around You And Still Remain The Same.”
- Leonardo Da Vinci

When I was in high school, I frequently read the notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci. One day,  I came across a quote
I will always remember. Da Vinci said, “Be a mirror, absorb everything  around you and still remain the same.” As an artist, I believe in and can relate to this  philosophy. I learn as much as I can about the environment around me but
I still try to  remain original, honest and true to my existence.

This ideal was my inspiration for the DavinChi™ Cut.  It is a new gemstone cut which has the ability to  absorb colors, light or images into the gem from its  surroundings. This magicalillusion makes the gem  change colors when viewed from different angles  and different points of view. There is a wonderful  depth of field within the gem and
I find it difficult  to fix my eyes on just one focal point. The stone  has a sense of liveliness, and is seems to be  constantly changing in color and texture.  

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. Allow  yourself to absorb all the things around you yet  still remain the way you are.